
Monday, January 30, 2012

Here We Go!

So where do I begin?  Lets get something out there right away, I do not, am not and I am in no way professing that I am a writer, journalist or anything like them.  I like many others out there just wanted a place to share my thoughts.

The reason for this blog is things that will help encourage people to try new things in the culinary world.  Giving my views, tips, reviews and recipes (I call them guides) will be my primary focus, but that doesn't mean I will not stray every now and again.  I will try to be current with my posts, but this is not my full time job.

I hope all who read this take something beneficial with them, whether its a new spot to eat at, a new guide to try and make in your kitchen or maybe a helpful tip.

I'm not entirely sure where all this will lead, but what I am sure of is that it will need to evolve as everything does.

With that said....lets "Throw It In A Bowl" and see what we can make!

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