
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The Mighty Meatloaf

What is it about meatloaf, that when you make and eat it, everything seems a little more just place?  I have to say Meatloaf with mashed potatoes and some type of veggie, normally lima beans, is the quintessential comfort food.  The king of comfort food, in my opinion. 
I was turned onto this, what seemed like simple peasant food, at a very young age.  Who else, but my mother, like so many others around the word makes "THE BEST" meatloaf.  I can hear everyone out there right now, "No way, I guarantee, MY moms is better".  It’s almost comical, there should be a meatloaf cook off somewhere, if there already isn't.  I have yet to replicate her take on the dish, even with the exact recipe at my fingertips.  I guess it's the "love" that goes into it or maybe it's the different oven, whichever works for you.  However, I have stumbled across many different variations of what my mother cooked, by messing her recipe up, or just by playing around with it.  Changing simple things can make a totally different meat loaf, instead of what I call a traditional meat loaf, I have made it with mozzarella cheese, oregano and basil, for an Italian flare.  I have added manchego along with chile powder and smoked Spanish paprika for a, well, it’s a really big molded taco style meat loaf.  Anyway you have it, whether is smothered in brown gravy, dripping with tomato sauce or dipped in ketchup, they are all good.  The ends being the best part of course, crispy almost burnt ends, mmmm, my mouth is watering just thinking about it.  I can’t say enough about my favorite dinner of all time, but please feel free to share your favorite meatloaf recipe, I am always on the lookout for a new better Mightier Meat Loaf.  I will even dig up my mom's recipe and post it here in the future.  But I doubt anyone needs a meat loaf recipe.

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